Waste information in 33 different languages

To make it easier to sort correctly, the web site sopor.nu have made information available in several languages.

The information can be downloaded on the link below and printed (double-sided A4). It provides concise information on how to sort different packaging, as well as food and residual waste. The material is free to use.

The information is available in these languages:

Albanian, Amharic, Arabic, Bulgarian, Chinese, Croatian, Dari, English, Finnish, French, Greek, Kurkanji, Lithuanian, Mongolian, Pashto, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Romani, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Somali, Soarni, Spanish, Swedish, Syrian, Tagalog, Thai, Tigrinya, Turkish, German, Ukrainian, Vietnamese.

Here’s an example of the information in Somali.

Digital sorting guide in English

The waste portal Sopor.nu (=Waste.now) also have a digital sorting guide in English.

Find out how to handle different waste with Sopor.nu’s sorting guide.

Everyone wins when you recycle!

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Photo/Illustration: Pixabay, Sopor.nu